I'm kind of sort of studying Japanese history... In my own way xD (i.e. skipping all the dull parts)
Here's a super-brief and incredibly non-factual introduction to the interesting parts of Japanese history! :D:D
Early stuff
- Veery early on, in the Iron Age, yayoi p (400-300 BC) Japan (then known as "Wa") was simply a compilation of tribes and they had this AWESOME QUEEN Himiko

- Her existence is sort of debated, but she was powerful, peaceful and awesome.
- Note: "...such as men wearing braided hair and tattoos and women wearing large, single-pieced clothing." They were barbarians xD
Asuka period - 538-710
- People learned how to sew and use multiple garments and stuff, finally... xD
- Also, Japan (?) became a centralized state. Government and laws and stuff. Basically, they're becoming civilized.
- Buddhism introduced by Koreans. Not so well received, like Christianity around here (Norway), hahah. They even had to stop making huge fancy burial mounds. (See a resemblance??)
Hellooooo Empress Suiko, 554-628
- A nice prince presented a nice set of moral laws (+Buddhism) which lead to peace! However, he also angered China by presenting Japan as an equal to them (equal status as a great country). So this is where all of that mess started.
Nara period - 710-794 - The Golden Age
- This period is kinda melted into the Heian period, hahah.
- Japan became a proper state! A strong head of state (shogun), a well organized government (that builds roads and temples etc), very extensive and well-working taxing and registration systems, and Japan is finally recognized as a proper state alongside China.
- Chinese studies begin, and people start writing and reading Chinese.
- Everything was modeled after china!! Clothes too, ofc. Chinese style clothes.
More Japanese-y clothes came in the Heian period :3
Sources: www.japan-guide.com/e/e2132.html
- Note for!!:
- Heigth of Chinese influences, Buddhism and Taoism
- Peak of imperial court
- Noted for art, poetry and literature (practically Japan's nasjonalromantiske periode! <--Norsk)
- Center government => federal system
- Capital: Heiankyou (today Kyoto). Name means "peace and tranquility"
- From center government => federal system
- Taxes were hightened, but on the other hand for certain institutions (I.e. Monasteries) abolished. This lead to a poorer, faltering government and impoverished farmers (due to high taxes). The farmers were forced to sell their farms and become tenants for land owners. This lead to the power gradually shifting from the central government to the land owners.
- The Fujiwara family ruled for a while through sneaky intermarriages and other drama, but they couldn't keep order forever, and after 1016 their order faltered and many land owners hired samurai to protect their properties (from crazy peasants and anarchists?). This led to the military class becoming more influential ):
- Eeeeeventually this forementioned military power (and crazy militant Buddhist monasteries!?) led to a couple of wars ((at least )four actually, with lengths of 3 to 9 years :( ) and in the end Minamoto Yoritomo eliminated the rest and became the first shogun (highest military officer) and established a new government.
- Chinese stuff was very popular during this period, but a general japanization began - Chinese cultured was altered to fit Japan, and kana was invented, allowing actual Japanese literature! So this was sort of the beginning of a truly Japanese culture.
- Invention of the Juni-Hitoeeee <3<3<3<3
...Or look to Genji Monogatari :3 Aahhh they KNEW how to treat fabric right.
- Medieval/Feudal Japan -
...coming soon.
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