tirsdag 1. april 2014

Tatami, liquid strawberry cheesecake, too many coins and a 5000-yen-dude

(Switching to English haha)
Ok, so the other day I was going to finally post all my magnificent (not-phone-or-iPad) photographs, for which I need my computer, but apparently my computer has a somewhat turbulent relationship with foreign electricity, because it's refusing to charge!! >~<"" So the moment after I'd MOVED all my photographs from my camera to my computer, my dear laptop just died!! (Aka went out of battery) So now aaalllll my photos are trapped inside my dead, presently-non-chargable computer!! Argh!! 3x
So sadly enough, you'll have to wait even longer for photos of strawberry cheesecake, me with Handsome Samurai Man in Japanese Garden, video of strange Japanese traditional music, and, uh.... Whatever I photographed. I don't remember but it was a lot.
I thought I'd post my phone photos instead, yay!
They have worse resolution, but are more spontaneous, haha.
So the other day, I went on a AFS day trip kinda thing!
We were in a tatami room
And had a picnic, with onigiri
And Japanese strawberries ♥︎♥︎♥︎

Then we went out in Ikebukuro! Sooo many people!
I've written a super-long post about Shibuya and crowds... But I need my photos before I can post it =~="
Anyways! Is it that a boy's love manga advertisement I see upon that skyscraper!? xD
And they say Japan is a homophobic place! Hah! x3
Also, I found Kakashi yay xD
...I mean, if you want proffessional, astounding photos of Ikebukuro, google it! My photos are unusual and exclusive! xD aka only fangirling and weird stuff x33 👍
Also, we found a sweets shop. And I found something I most definitely do not want to eat.
Also, we went to karaoke and did/took purikura!! ^U^
....buuuut somebody else has the purikura right now! I'm trying to find out who! :3
Today, I wandered about Shinjuku, another part of Tokyo City, all by myself! It was like you'd imagine Tokyo, incredibly crowded, towering skyscrapers everywhere. x3
It's embarrassing to take photos in crowds... xD
Well anyways, I went to this nice cafe to eat lunch (all alone) and at first I couldn't find out whether I should pay at the counter first or wait outside - I tried to ask the waiters but my Japanese failed epically - thennn I misunderstood the menu - Japanese failed again - and THEN I ended up getting the wrong dish!! xD (that last one wasn't my fault though. The waiters messed up on their own ^^")
However! It was a wonderful place, hardly crowded at all and well outside the claustrophobic walls of the station, and that dish I was served, whatever it was, tasted DELICIOUS!! :D
Rice with egg and some very delicious sauce. It tasted, and looked, much more delicious than the dull pasta I'd ordered! Very nice!! :3
Also, I sat close to two Norwegian businessmen xD Of all the 13,282,271 people in Tokyo, I end up between two Norwegians!! (Probably because I was sitting outdoors in the shadow in only 20 warm degrees. Only Norwegians prefer that.)

Btw, about Japanese coins. They have
1 yen coin (0.05 NOK)
5 yen coin (0.1 NOK)
10 yen coin (0.5 NOK)
50 yen coin (2.5 NOK)
And 100 yen coin (5 NOK)
It's like, in this box of smurf candy
One single candy might cost 1 yen!
It's so insanely little! What's the point!!
But anyways! I've ended up with a huge amount of coins, and every time I'm paying something I end up using a 1000-yen-bill because it takes so much time to scavenge through my hundreds of coins.
So I found a new way to handle my coins!!
I wrap them in receipts! Like candies! :D
My saifu - wallet - looks like a Santa's bag now :D
Everyone who goes to Japan, I strongly recommend keeping your receipts! They will prove useful!

Another thing I have discovered:

I'm not kidding, this stuff tastes like liquid strawberry cheesecake.

Lastly, fyi, I have a crush on the dude on the 5000-yen-bill.
Isn't he handsome!!
Homemade purikura?? xD

...Good night!! :3

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hahaha har alltid trodd at det var en dame på 5000 yen seddelen? Jaja.. japan er veldig lite homofobisk, problemet er at man snakker lite om seksualitet generelt (også heterofili), de synes det er flaut haha. Elers har det jo aldri vært noen regler mot det og mange samuraoer var jo homofile :D

    1. Ahhhh har ikke sett kommentaren før nåååå \\(@0@\\ )=3=3=3 Sry!! Men hahahahh da får det vel være en girl crush da xDD Som jeg la være å vise til mine konservative japanske venninner =u=''
